sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Ignorant Love Birds

Slaughter-House Five
Kurt Vonnegut

          Many relationships are based on love, however what relationships rely on love to build a self esteem? Billy Pilgrim is the father of Barbara and the ex-husband of Valencia. In both of these relationships, Billy is not actually loved. Barbara demonstrates her dominion over Billy by telling him what to do, and always seeking to fix his mistakes. Pilgrim himself, claims how Barbara does not have a good heart, nor a good purpose when helping him. She seems to believe being able to control Billy will assign her a more important role in the Pilgrim household. In addition, Valencia is described to be a obese woman, although rich, she is one of those people who are to remain single for the rest of their lives. However, this is not the case. Billy Pilgrim marries Valencia, and is then forced to deal with her bipolar and insecure personality. She is constantly fishing for compliments from Billy, that will console her low self esteem.
          Why is Billy always surrounded by unloving companionship? Even at war, Weary would stay behind with "time-traveling" Billy, and say he only remained behind to pursue his duties as a Christian. Pilgrim did not have any kind of emotional importance to Weary, saving Billy was only a matter of good deeds, not love. In all the previous cases, people have used Billy to comfort themselves, and build-up a higher self esteem. 

            During Pilgrim's Tralfamadorian days, he states he was just as happy in the Tralamadorian as on Earth. If Billy lived in a world where time was non-existing, and then he went back to Earth, then he must have known his future. This might be the reason for Billy's lack of life on Earth after war. It might also explain why in the begging of the book, Billy had trouble remembering his war experiences. Well, Tralfamadorians said they lived in a peaceful world because they ignored all evil events. It is possible that Billy might have taken this advice, and erased his traumatic war experiences from his memory. Pilgrim's Tralafamadorian travels ruined his life. This character no longer felt the need to live for anyone or for something. Although Pilgrim lived in truth with himself, he did not value life. 
       Why do we keep on living if we don't know our purpose in life? Well, we live to find our purpose. However, those who never encounter a life lecture live for the entertainment of the Earthing life. They live a lie, and it can said that this style of life is wasteful. Nevertheless, the reason people live is because of love. Once they find it, they claim it is the reason they wake up everyday. Love makes adults become hypnotized with its power. It is like a spell, that mesmerizes one's heart with a childish feeling. Love converts grown-ups into children. For this strange feeling, is like "magic." Love makes one do crazy things. After all, ignorance is bliss.  

        There are two things in this world that will make you truly happy. The first is love. The second one is discovering the meaning and the purpose life.

        Billy Pilgrim did not find love. Billy Pilgrim discovered the truth. Billy Pilgrim has a secret, which he cannot share. Billy Pilgrim is alone.

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