jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


                                                                  Robin Hood
"'I most humbly beg your Excellency's pardon,' replied Pangloss, still more politely, 'but I must point out that the fall of Man and the eternal punishment enter, of Necessity, into the scheme of the best of all possible worlds.'" (Pg.35)

            One of the world’s most miraculous philosophers discovered the deeper explanations for why unfortunate events make this world mirthful and peaceful: a utopia. The human world around us works in genius ways, for many reasons that must remain unexplored, nevertheless, Pangloss has unlatched Pandora's Box, and in its core lies: the universal rule of reason or the The Indispensable. These revelations of Voltaire’s, Candide search to comfort and promote hope among all who are eternally blessed. People, will hopefully find acceptance in their hearts when their motive for their misery proclaims that everything happens for a reason. Pangloss enlightens his pupil, Candide, by explaining how religious controversies, sexual transmitted diseases, or other forms of illnesses are “necessary ingredients” or “Necessities” for human progress. This remarkable preceptor concludes that wars haven’t been as ferocious because of the diseases that have weakened soldiers. (pg.30) Humanity has come to a point of utter grief and can only expect to regard as true Pangloss’s words, for the sake of survival of the inferno. Those who are living the nightmare are relinquishing the dream for others. For this reason, we who are glancing at the world through starlight glasses will never see those who offer their chances of being bliss.

            “’Men,’ he said, ‘must have somewhat altered the course of nature; for they were not born wolves, yet they have become wolves. God did not give them twenty-four pounders of bayonets, yet they have made themselves bayonets and guns to destroy each other...’” (Pg. 31)  Blame has intoxicated people’s brains, apparently we have destroyed our paradise: our garden of Eve. Humans have dug a hole to the center of the earth, crept into it, settled and then wept over how they are so down under. Every adversity is brought upon the creator itself.

            Humans have created “Necessities” to only comply with those who deserve to live in the sunlight.  Have we honestly come to such unselfishness, or for those who were born charmed, selfishness?

            "'Your Excellency must excuse me,' said Pangloss; 'Free Will is consistent with Absolute Necessity, for it was ordained that we should be free. For the Will that is Determined...'" (Pg.35) Can the world of the jinxed and the world of the godsend inter-collide? If everything happens for a reason, we are slaves of fate. We are all predestined to learn certain lessons through specific experiences (Anabaptist had to die during the shipwreck- Pg.31) Has God created the ill, suffering, and hungry to encourage people to become better souls? When does Free Will take a stand and make this utopia finally livable?

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