domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins

The Replicators

Like the lion, full of pride, humans believe they are the supreme specie on Earth. Although the warthog might have seemed small, weak and defenseless, it was witty and sneaky, just like the gene. 

“Even while the group is going slowly and inexorably downhill, selfish individuals prosper in the short term at the expense of altruists. The citizens of Britain may or may not be blessed with foresight, but evolution is blind to the future.”  (pg. 8)

Evolution is blind to the future. As machines of the gene, we cannot control the gene. In the other hand, the gene can control us and we will never know when, how or why. If we survive tomorrow it is due to the fact that evolution was in our favor. Nevertheless, when will be the day come when evolution will turn against us? Does the apocalypse and the extinction of the homo sapien sapien species rely on the gene? 

If selfish individuals only prosper in the expense of altruist, than its a cycle of taking advantage of others. However, if the gene is selfish, and only prospers by using others, and we are machines of the gene, than what are genes acquiring from our use? Other than using us as their host, what other benefit do we offer genetic codes? Do we offer them power? Nonetheless, we have no choice because we live by their design. Why have genes created a machine with a higher conscience? 

What is man? What is the meaning of life? Is it to overcome the genes empowerment over us? Considering our bodies are composed of them, why else would they build us a conscience? Does evolution reconcile on our level of awareness? 

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