jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Not a World of Water, But of Fears

Calvino has a new theory for creation. It is not of Adam and Eve or of Evolution, but of the combination of time and space.

The four elements (fire, water, earth and air) along with the creation of duality, has manufactured Khan's atlas: an inferno.

Throughout section eight, Calvino expresses how Irene, (Cities & Names 5) is an insignificant system, a network. He defined the mechanics of the world, and most specifically the atlas described throughout Invisible Cities a falsehood. A domino effect with no real effect.

"Those who pass without entering..." speaks of the souls who never stop recognizing the falsehood of things. That soul who is still able to depict the objects that supposedly represent value are nothing but "rubbish." However, those who decide to live upon Inferno's stories, are those who are not able to fight against these strong forces.

Argia, (Cities & the Dead 4) is a place that didn't only decide to adapt to inferno's laws, but became unaware of their decision to. "What makes Argia different from other cities is that it has earth instead of air." (pg. 126)

Nevertheless, it can be said that the mysteries of the universe can be solved by observing the city of Thekla. It is a city that never ends in construction. The people fear it will start to deteriorate if they stop building. However, the blue print at times gets lost and the workers simply continue building without recognition that they are doing so without a plan. The blue print represents the divine soul of every individual worker. It is the scaffolding and the continuous construction that impedes the city to be built by design. Furthermore, it is the constant need to be doing something that stupefies the inhabitants, making them feel their is nothing else to do with their lives. "Do not do, be" comes back to the previous explanation. Human beings have obligated themselves to be constantly busy and innovating in order to live. The small detail they forgot was that they were already alive.

Olinda can also represent the falsehood in all its glory. It is the idea of an idea inside of an idea. One will never know which is the original Olinda, or if it even exists. No matter which Olinda you go to, it might have the same characteristics as the previous one. The only thing that remains identical, unlike the city are your eyes.

During the last pages of the book, Calvino finally came to a conclusion. It cannot be explained thoroughly or elaborated. Its truth lies unexplained. It cannot be too much of an influence in our lives, for it might dig us down into hole. It is the truth. It is seen in Macbeth, Candide, Slaughter-House Five, Elektra and Night.

Life is insignificant.

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